Saturday 11 August 2012

Rexsol Vitamin C Gel Wash - Review

I never used to have serious problems with my skin. About a year ago i started getting little bumps on my forehead, my cheeks and around my chin area.

After visiting my dentist for a routine check-up he recommended that i use Jojoba oil. I took his advise and was very pleased for a while but later learned to not take skin advise from a dentist! 

Jojoba oil in fact has many benefits and i would recommend it as a product to use from time to time. I however started using it everyday on my face for a couple of months, what i didn't realize at the time was that i was giving my skin oil in which it didn't have to produce anymore which resulted in my skin becoming very dry, irritable and my bumps returned with a vengeance!

I stopped using jojoba oil and visited the nearest pharmacy to buy a proper facial cleanser to remedy my problematic skin, WILLING TO PAY ANY PRICE in my desperation! A helpful attendant introduced me to Rexsol Vitamin C Gel Wash. First impression, the packaging looked lackluster, however the kind man insisted and told me that he himself uses it and was a big fan! 


I'm glad i listened to that man. The first time i used it my skin felt like silk. I dont know what it is but i kept touching my skin, it was that good!. The smell is clean, the effect is great! my spots cleared up almost 90% in the first 2 weeks. I use it twice a day, when i wake up and before i go to sleep. It removes all kinds of make-up in just one wash, and my whole family uses it now. Price: 70LE available at Ezaby and Ali's Image Pharmacies.

Good luck!

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